debt to equity conversion
- debt to equity conversion
конверсія заборгованості в акції; обмін боргових зобов'язань на акції; сплата боргових зобов'язань акціями
The English-Ukrainian Dictionary. Economics, Finance, Banking, Investmentss, Bank Loans.
S. Ya. Yermolenko, V. I. Yermolenko.
Смотреть что такое "debt to equity conversion" в других словарях:
Debt — For other uses, see Debt (disambiguation). Personal finance Credit and debt Pawnbroker Student loan Employment contract … Wikipedia
Equity swap — Produits dérivés financiers Produits fermes Forwards (Contrat de gré à gré) Futures (Contrat à terme) Swaps (Échange financier) Produits optionnels Options et Warrants Credit default swap (couvertures de défaillance) … Wikipédia en Français
conversion right — The right given under the terms of a debenture trust deed enabling the investor to convert debt to equity. See also: convertible … Accounting dictionary
Equity value — is a market based measure of the equity value of a firm. It is also called Diluted Earnings Per Share or Earnings per share (EPS). EPS is, in basic terms, the company s revenue minus all costs including paying interest on debt and paying taxes… … Wikipedia
Debt Equity Swap — ⇡ Debt Conversion Programm … Lexikon der Economics
Conversion (law) — For other uses of the word conversion , see Conversion. Conversion is a common law tort. A conversion is a voluntary act by one person inconsistent with the ownership rights of another.[1] It is a tort of strict liability.[2] Its criminal… … Wikipedia
Debt-Conversion-Programm — Umschuldungsmaßnahmen zur Lösung der Schuldenkrise: (1) Der Rückkauf von Auslandsschulden mit Abschlag gegen Devisen wird als Debt Buy Back bezeichnet. (2) Ein Schuldentausch mit Abschlägen gegenüber dem Nennwert der ursprünglichen Schuld wird… … Lexikon der Economics
Maxims of equity — The maxims of equity evolved, in Latin and eventually translated into English, as the principles applied by courts of equity in deciding cases before them.[1] Among the traditional maxims are: Contents 1 Equity regards done what ought to be done… … Wikipedia
Mezzanine Debt — When a hybrid debt issue is subordinated to another debt issue from the same issuer. Mezzanine debt has embedded equity instruments (usually warrants) attached, which increase the value of the subordinated debt and allow for greater flexibility… … Investment dictionary
Deferred Equity — A type of security, such as preferred shares or convertible bonds, that can be exchanged in the future at a predetermined price for another type of instrument, such as shares of common stock. These securities are known as deferred equity because… … Investment dictionary
forced conversion — Occurs when a convertible security is called in by the issuer, usually when the underlying stock is selling well above the conversion price. The issuer thus assures the bonds will be retired without requiring any cash payment. Upon conversion… … Financial and business terms